Some guys just don’t know how to take a compliment, do they? Take the guys on Hey Little Dick for instance. These girls tell them just how pathetically tiny their cocks are, and they look all hurt!
They should be proud of what they’re being told! These girls seem genuinely amazed that they’re packing such small wangs! They even reward them by giving them a good jerking!
This site has 135 videos available to view, and 135 photo galleries and screenshot galleries as well, with most photos displaying at 533x800 and most screenshots sized at 800x450. All of the photo and screenshot galleries are both available in a ZIP download file as well. The videos are available in Flash Player, MP4 and WMV formats for the most part for streaming and downloading, with bitrates unknown and a best display of 1280x720 (4500kbps). Updates are normally made once a week.
You know, I love the fact that sites like Hey Little Dick exist. Not for the reason you’re thinking! I like the fact that small-dicked guys, who normally wouldn’t be seen dead showing their tiny todgers on a public forum, get rewarded for their phallic disappointment by getting it pleasured by some amazingly hot girls. They’ve earned that reward! Why should the Shane Diesels of this world get all the fun? Good on these guys, and it gives hope to others out there like them.
Of course, they’re still going to have to endure the embarrassment of having babes like Alyssa Divine, Jess West and Billie Rai tell them how pathetic they think it is. But I’m sure they’re not telling these guys something they don’t already know! The girls really do enjoy themselves and then the handjob and blowjob action you get afterwards is somewhat comic but also exactly what this site needs after the more verbal content.
The 2 bonus sites here, by the way, are Girls Abuse Guys and Pure CFNM.
This site is very well presented right the way through. It has some really good update information not to mention some really impressive information about all the content and the updates as well.
The tags and categories were excellent and very useful, plus there was a very good models index too. I was really impressed by just how well this site was presented to say the very least.
Hey Little Dick is a fun site that also has a now very strong collection of updates on it. Backed up by a couple of really good bonus sites, it rounds off a really good little network nicely.
This site, though, has bags of humour and lots of fun to be had at the expense of these poor guys. The babes are all very hot indeed and seem to be having way more fun with this than they should be!