Massage Rooms is a massage porn site which is described by its makers, alternatively, as a “romantic massage porn site”. It is a part of the Sexy Hub network of sites, which you will receive full access to.
As you can imagine, there isn’t just massaging going on on this site, but the massages are so sensual and sexy that the masseuse and her client get so sexually excited then they have no choice but to take things further….
This site currently features 571 videos, and there are photo galleries accompanying pretty much all the videos on this site. All photo galleries are available as ZIP download files and most of the photos are sized at 1200x800. The videos are usually available in MP4 format and are available to stream and download at a high definition 1920x1080px (11,700kbps). Multiple resolutions are available. Note downloads do cost you an extra monthly fee. There are 2 or 3 updates on this site pretty almost every month.
You know, should I ever one day decide to grace the inside of a massage parlor, I can only say that massage porn sites like Massage Rooms will have completely ruined the experience for me! Because I’m going to be waiting for all manner of sexual exploits to ensue, only for me to just end up more oily, less tense in the shoulders and lighter in the pocket. But that doesn’t stop this from being an excellent site and, quite possibly, one of the very best sites of its kind that I think I’ve ever seen.
When you take into consideration the fact that there are so many of them around these days, I think that is some accolade. Although this may well be a hardcore site for the most part, it’s a site that trades heavy on the romance side of things and instead is interested just in the couples - meaning that you do get some sizzling lesbian videos and photo sets as well.
This site comes with 4 bonus sites from the
Sexyhub Network and these are
Dane Jones, and
The navigation here really was pretty good for the most part. The update information was quite useful but the models index usually only lists the models’ first names and was therefore not terribly useful on a lot of fronts. Some models did have information on the model and they all have links to that models content sets.
The browsing options were very good on the videos and the photo galleries, and there were also good download speeds on all the downloads. It was also easy to access the rest of the network from this site. There is decent search functionality as well
Massage Rooms is a really excellent site and, from the couple of sites I have now seen from the Sexy Hub network, this is also a group of sites that has far more that is high quality to offer than otherwise.
Although it is more than likely that this site will appeal more to fans of hardcore content, the small batch of lesbian and threesome movies here show that this is a site with variety to offer in spades.