The following ratings below are a guide for both our reviewers
and also for our readers.
With this guide, at a glance you can
now look at the scores for a site if you are in a hurry and don't
have time to read the main review, and quickly ascertain the qualities
and faults that a site has.
We have tried to make these guides as accurate as we possibly
can, but please note that they are a GUIDE. From time to time,
our review scores may well fall outside of these criteria but
these would only be in exceptional circumstances.
If you have any questions about this page, whether you are a
webmaster, reviewer or a surfer, don't hesitate to contact us
via our forum, or email us at webmaster @
The overall score for the review is automatically calculated from
the mathematical average of all the individual section scores
9.5 - 10 - the quality exceeds the specs below.
9.2 - 9.4 - the quality of the specs are at around 3840x2160 for videos, and over 1000px for photos.
9.1 - 9.2 - the quality of the specs are at around 1920x1080 for videos, and over 1000px for photos.
8.1 - 9.0 - the quality of the specs are at around 1280x720 for videos, and over 1000px for photos.
7.6 - 8.0 - the quality of the specs are at around 640x480 (1000kbps
or over) for videos, and over 800px for photos.
7.5 or below - the quality of the specs are below what is specified above.
It is difficult to quantify exact scores in this category, as
many factors such as length of videos, sizes of photo galleries.
Bonus sites and content are NOT factored into this score. Therefore,
this is a rough guide only.
A 'set of content' roughly defines a photo gallery or video.
9.5 - 10 - site contains over 1000 sets of content.
9.0 - 9.4 - site contains between 501 and 1000 sets of content.
8.5 - 8.9 - site contains between 201 and 500 sets of content.
8.0 - 8.4 - site contains between 151 and 200 sets of content.
7.0 - 7.9 - site contains between 101 and 150 sets of content.
6.5 - 6.9 - site contains between 76 and 100 sets of content.
6.0 - 6.4 - site contains between 51 and 75 sets of content.
5.5 - 5.9 - site contains between 31 and 50 sets of content.
5.4 or below - site contains 30 sets of content or below.
Basically, if a site contains 100% content, it scores 5 / 5.
If we are not sure of the exclusivity of a site's content, we
will generally give them 2.5 / 5.
5 - 100% exclusive content
4.0 - 4.9 - between 80% and 99% exclusive content
3.0 - 3.9 - between 60% and 79% exclusive content
2.0 - 2.9 - between 40% and 59% exclusive content
1.0 - 1.9 - between 20% and 39% exclusive content
0 - 0.9 - between 0% and 19% exclusive content
Obviously, if a video is low resolution, it will download more
quickly than a high resolution one. Our scores always take the
resolution of the videos into consideration, but also takes into
consideration whether a site has taken steps to make downloading
clips more quickly, such as a range of download speeds and smaller
clips available on high resolution videos.
Therefore, these scores are hard to pin down, but generally higher
resolution videos will score lower here. Also, if a site has no
videos, this score is awarded for how quickly the site runs, and
this element is one we also bear in mind if a site DOES have videos.
Points here are awarded entirely depending on the reviewer's
point of view. Our general criteria though sees a site lose marks
for dead links, lack of menus, lack of thumbnails, poor menu system,
lack of browsing options for both videos and photo galleries,
poor design, misleading information, or an inability to browse
back to home or menu pages with a single click.
Essentially, a site's navigation should make sure that all of
its content is made immediately accessible and is well organised.
This score is awarded taking into account the qualities of all
of the scores above, but also awards additional points for bonus
sites and other bonus content.
A site's score depends on price to the extent that the smaller
a site and its accompanying bonus content is, the lower the price
should be. In other words, a site priced at $29.99 for over 100
ssets of content is generally regarded as our set template and
we work the score upwards or downwards from there.
0.2 - points added for each additional bonus site or bonus feed
of a reasonable size.