Sex Japan TV is a site that is dedicated to genuine Japanese fetish content produced by Jade-Net. They are the number one producers of fetish content in that country and you will be able to see why!
They also promise to bring you all their content completely uncensored and mosaic free. In other words, you won’t have to worry about staring at blurred genitalia when you take a look at this site!
This site has 1,328 videos available to view, and over 602 photo galleries, with most photos displaying at 1133x1700. The photo galleries are available in a ZIP download file too. The videos are available in MP4 formats for streaming and downloading, and a best display in 1080p at 1920x1080(4500kbps). Lower resolutions are also available. Older updates may have lower specifications. Updates are currently made every week.
Hmm, it didn’t seem to me as though Sex Japan TV was really a fetish site at all. I think the mistake here is that the two attached bonus sites,
Piss Japan TV and
Voyeur Japan TV , are indeed fetish based. This site seems more dedicated to masturbation action with the odd snippet of lesbian content as well. That said, I guess that there is some content here that could pass into the realms of fetish content if you factor in the girls that are in school uniforms and the odd bit of outdoor naughtiness.
It was good to see this site take a stance against mosaics in their content. It’s been a blight on Japanese porn for many years now and it’s good to see a site like this circumnavigating those issues to bring you something that is altogether censorship free. And that’s the way it should be as well! I really enjoyed this site and the odds are you will too if you are a Japanese porn fan. The extremely regular updates are only going to help the continued progress of this site as well.
This site is pretty well presented with some really good update information standing out. There was also some pretty good information about the content and a really good models index as well. There are separate Photo and Video sections too.
The tags and category menu should be able to direct you to your preferred type of content well enough and there were also some really good viewing options on the videos and the galleries. They’ve done a fine job here.
Sex Japan TV is a very fine Japanese porn site that should have more than enough to it to keep you happy if you love porn from Japan. The collection is big enough and the updates are very regular indeed. The site has grown nicely since our last review.
For me, the stand-out fact on this site is the fact that you can expect zero censorship. That really is going to be something that they will always have going for them and it is always great to see.